Saturday, 3 March 2012

Story of a Singapore rescue kitten

On March 1st someone left this tiny kitten in a plastic shopping bag at a market in Singapore. Luckily he was found quickly and a fosterer brought him home for a night. Lynn at the Cat Welfare Society texted me his picture and asked if I could take him.

Being found

I took a taxi to the far end of the island and found a small pet shop in a very old HDB. The owners led me into a back room where a ragtag crew of local alley cats greeted me. The fosterer of the kitten I'd come to see eventually showed up and placed this tiny little fluff ball in my hands. He was skinny, filthy, covered in fleas so naturally I loved him at first sight and took him home. He's now in his forever home with us.

The Cat Welfare Society


  1. Good for you for rescuing an animal. He's very cute! What's his name?

  2. We have decided on Kopi-o. He seems to like it
