Friday, 30 November 2012

An unplanned hospital tour

After the sleepy arrival from the Hobbit Festival last night we crawled into bed hoping to be asleep the moment our heads could hit the pillow. Unaware of the hidden peril of this I decided to change from lying on my right side to the left. Innocent enough no? Half way through this manoeuvre I was in blinding pain and couldn't move either direction. Joel rescued me and with my pillow fortress wedged around me I got to sleep. In the morning I was shocked to discover that the sudden pain attack had not been a random or fleeting thing at all. I couldn't completely stand up or walk or move my right leg much without assistance. Joel dressed me while I looked up our closest ER.

We slowly shuffled into the Wellington Hospital at 1pm and I spent a few hours in the ER with nurses and an ER Dr who were amazingly respectful and attentive. I was moved to the Women's acute care wing for the rest of the day where I was under the care of a very good midwife and eventually had two different opinions from their two female OBs on duty. Five hours later we'd ruled out anything scary, the baby was doing well and was more than happy to kick anyone who cared to poke around. The final consensus was that this was muscular skeletal and no one could really get an affirmative answer on just how badly the round ligament in question had been injured. I refused pain killers again and we went slowly back to our host's home. Marvelling at this clean, well run hospital and the amazing care we'd consistently had from each person we'd encountered.

I'm not terribly mobile and am on partial bed rest again so we are spending the next few days enjoying the experience of renting a Bach along the coast of the North Island. It's a nice cottage facing a small sand dune which breaks the frigid wind. The beach front is beautiful. We are now both in our winter parkas as "early summer" here is about the temperature of early early Winter in BC. Yesterday was 7 degrees!

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