Friday 6 September 2013

The hashtag

I started a thing on twitter where I number my thoughts that I feel are related to reverse culture shock in our move from Singapore to LA. I'm up to 54 now and thought it would be fun to archive them here. It was particularly fun to read the first ones again.

1 comment:

  1. I love #40. I am working on setting up a blog to chronicle my relo from Chicago to Singapore. I am calling it "the bull in the china shop" because:

    1. I like the imagery, I am not a petite person, especially compared to most Asians.

    2. My work style, I can have a tendency to be aggressive and assertive, this is NOT the normal work style in Asia. I was discussing with someone that worked in the region that I would need to avoid going over to Singapore and acting like a bull in a china shop, and inspiration for the blog name hit.

    3. Most Americans that I tell I am moving to Singapore think it is in China. When I tell them it isn't and is a country that is south of Vietnam that doesn't seem to change their opinion that basically that whole part of the earth is China, they usually proceed to tell me about someone they knew that had an experience in Shanghai.
