Sunday, 6 September 2020

Back To School-ish

We went through many contingencies for Fall 2020. In the end we decided to just chill and homeschool and see what panned out around us. The crunchy Waldorf independent study charter where the kids were registered served up such a half-baked plan so late in the Summer that we hardly had a choice as all. Other roads were certainly no longer open. Flakey school planning when paired with extreme funding cutbacks from the state resulted in Caelen's class being cut from the school altogether a couple of weeks from his start date and Austen's class, which begins this week, lost its teacher. They combined the grade 2 class with the grade three class, creating a mega class... and are planning to have the kids in person on campus next month for outdoor classes. The details are vague, and the class size is more than double of what the Marin county health officer would like to see. We'll just watch to see what happens first.

Meanwhile, our little homeschooling situation is actually pretty sweet. We put the two TK kids together at one house and the two 2nd graders at the other each day, and each parent is teaching what they excel in. One mom is doing writing and reading and I'm doing art, history, and baking. The dads are in charge of STEM projects that include blowing things up outside (really) and woodworking and robots. The 2nd graders will participate in Zoom lessons with their Waldorf peers for the coming month just to try that out but given how fast they have already covered much of the curriculum planned for this year at the Waldorf school I'm not convinced they will really enjoy this in the long run. Time will tell. 

The fire in Pt Reyes is still burning with so much fuel that it is likely to burn for two more months despite being contained. It's still a little smokey out there some days. Our PM has been under 100 all week and often under 50 which is better than any normal urban city but occasionally we get a wind change and are socked in under a cloud that puts us back into a PM reading of 250 or more. 

I've been able to go for a run every day when it clears and we've enjoyed some days with fog in the mornings so despite the summer heat, the cool mornings and nights have been lovely. It's really got the crickets going in the evenings again which I love. Autumn in California is always a treat weather-wise in a non-fire year. It's still Summer till November and some years, even till December. We're hoping with continued closures of the parks and prudent power shutdowns, we can prevent another surge of fires this season. California could use some quiet nights. 

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