Friday, 16 November 2007

The International Student

I did have a rather interesting discovery when dealing with the international students department today. I am in fact an international student which they seem to find very humorous there. Once they got over the initial shock that I'm Caucasian and speak English, I found that all of a sudden I didn't require a letter from my bank disclosing my net worth, they also didn't need a deposit on my tuition and I didn't need to have a sponsor sign an affidavit. One adviser (mind you, it was someone from general admissions) actually said I didn't need to do that deposit because that was for 'people coming from China and places like that'. I'm a little taken aback after reading their school policy on racial discrimination. It's nice to not have to jump through those hoops but I feel weird about it. Like getting on the skytrain without paying.

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