Monday, 12 November 2007

Our new home

Marin County looks like Tuscany
On November 3rd our moving truck pulled up to our little house in Fairfax and miraculously all of our worldly goods were unloaded (OK so I still haven't unpacked some boxes but nothing obvious is missing). We have about 1,100 square feet in a 1950s bungalow. All the fixtures are original - some are awesome, others I'm in the process of changing. We have high cedar ceilings, hardwood floors and large windows. We share the lot with a family with two really cute kids in another similar house.

Today I went out to plant flowers and ended up with four little volunteers from the neighbourhood crowded around so I handed them tools and plants and we made piles of mud. It was awesome.

We also went for our first hike today up a trail that is part of Joel's commute to work. It was high up on the top of a hill at sunset, just beautiful. We saw a young buck and a bobcat. The deer here are all over the place but bobcats are much more difficult to see so we were really psyched about that.

"Downtown" Fairfax

It's been so nice to be walking distance from things to do again. Fairfax has lots of cozy high quality places to dine out, a great little movie theatre and places to see live music at night. I'm loving the access to really good local wines at prices almost as low as France.

Joel is making noises about 7.1 surround for the livingroom, things are back to normal. At least in some respects.

Joel leaves for LA after Thanksgiving so I'll likely be spending some time down there as well. He's continuing to work more and more. I think it was 70 hours this week, and no end in sight. But he's happy, stimulated and surrounded by growth so it's all good.

As for me I'm slowly finding my feet under me and getting ready to find some new things to do.

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